Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Final Project

Sophomore Final – This LHS Life
Presentation of your choice begins Thursday, June 15
All three components due Tuesday, June 20 10 AM

1)   After perusing The Sophomore Poetry Project, choose at least two poems that effectively convey voices that, in your view, well represent the class of 2019.  Discuss why they resonate with you, as well as how each writer uses the art of poetry to elevate the poem’s effect. Please find The Sophomore Poetry Project online at:


2)   Consider the literature that we have studied this year.  Choose one to create an accompanying work of art to promote the text for next year’s students.   Grounding your response in specific text that you will include as an addendum or within the work itself, produce a piece of artwork, music, or poem that will enrich students’ reading.

3)   Read over all of your monthly writings.  Write a focused paragraph that asserts one insight that reading them together at the end of your sophomore year provides for your perspective on sophomore year.

 Honors Literature and Composition II
Final Project Assessment Criteria

1)   Sophomore Poetry Project

o   Submitted on time
o   Proofread for spelling, mechanics and grammar
o   Expressed in active, positive voice that demonstrates connections between ideas rather than listing them

o   Convincingly details why poems resonate with you
o   Cites specific poetic elements for each poem

2)   Enriching a Text

o   Submitted on time

o   Statement of intent clearly demonstrates why the work has particular meaning for you

o   Produced work demonstrates effort and care in its execution

o   Connection to specific text effectively incorporated in product or clearly designated in attached commentary

3)   Monthly Writings

o   Submitted on time
o   Proofread for spelling, mechanics and grammar
o   Establishes an insightful focus
o   Expressed in active, positive voice