Friday, September 9, 2016

Sophomore Honors English
Upcoming Assignments
September 12-29

Monday, September 12
September Monthly Writing

Wednesday, September 14 (A,F) Thursday, September 15 (B)
Review the conversation Tony and Wes have about school in which Tony gives Wes advice. (pgs. 27-28) Write a poem, dialogue or letter of advice to someone younger than you, to yourself at a younger age, or to yourself beginning sophomore year.  Alternately you may recount some good advice you have once received and do well to remember.

Monday, September 19
Read the three student comparison/contrast essays, “Soccer:Nigeria and U.S.” by K.C. Osuji, “My Two Mashooganas” by Nicole Schwartzberg, and “Twilight” by Gowri Vijayakumar.  For the first two provide written responses to the questions at the end of the essays.  For “Twilight”, imagine you are the writer and create an outline that depicts the form and the content of your intended essay.

Wednesday, September 21 (A,F) Thursday, September 22 (B)
Prepare an outline for your comparison/contrast essay

Monday, September 26
Bring  three copies of your preliminary draft for peer editing or be able to share it on Google Drive.

Thursday, September 29
Final Draft of your comparison/contrast essay

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