Monday, November 28, 2016

Final Essay for Fahrenheit 451

+++Extended Due Date - to Monday, December 12+++

Final Essay for Fahrenheit 451
Due Dates:
Detailed Outline – A Block – Thursday, December 1
                            B, F Blocks – Friday, December 2
In-class writing time – A, F Blocks Monday, December 5
                                 B Block – Tuesday, December 6
Final Essay Due Date – Thursday, December 8

Writing Objective – Compose a succinct, focused written analysis of 350-400 words demonstrating how your understanding of one motif reveals a key insight into a particular theme or character.

Writing Requirements – Consider how a motif that Bradbury highlights in the concluding chapter, “Burning Bright”, is particularly meaningful when juxtaposing it to its appearance in an earlier chapter.   Create a thoughtful title and a conclusion that underscores the importance of your discussion.

Writing Assessment Rubrics –    
o   A clear, focused thesis
o   Coherent text-based evidence that provides smooth transitions
o   Effective use of active voice
o   Precise use of language (positive expression, definitive word choices)
o   Demonstrating relationship between ideas rather than listing them (watch those ‘ands’)

Help I Received – Avoid consulting outside sources – this essay is demonstrating YOUR thinking about the text.  If you do consult a source you must cite it here:

Student/Teacher Comments –

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

November Monthly Writing

Happy Thanksgiving Break!

November Monthly writing due dates:

A and B Blocks: Tuesday, November 29
F Block - Wednesday, November 30

Friday, November 4, 2016

F Block Assignments to Thanksgiving

F Block Sophomore Honors Literature and Composition
Assignments up to Thanksgiving

Students’ Writing Prompts – portfolio of three written responses

From each section choose one student journal prompt to respond to in 30-45 minutes of thoughtful writing. Please make sure you clearly. identify the letter of the prompt.

I.             Due Monday, November 7 (Choose one)
A.     “Had he ever seen a fireman that didn’t have black hair, black brows, a fiery face, and blue steel shaved but unshaven look? These men were all mirror images of himself!” PROMPT: In Fahrenheit 451 Montag deals with finding himself and constructing his own self-image.  How do people construct their image to suit society’s expectations?  Compare your experience with Montag’s. (Jonathan)
B.     What if your mirror started talking to you? (Candela)
C.    Explain the significance of the parlor walls and compare and contrast them with books. (William)
D.    Please see the attached quotations and writing prompt about the issue of censorship. (Robert)
E.     View the Pixar film entitled La Luna.
PROMPT CHOICES: Analytical – What elements of this short film add to the lesson it’s trying to convey?
Creative – IN the short film these three people are in charge of controlling the moon. Write another story of how humans may be able to control parts of nature similarly to how these people changed the moon. (Allison)
F.     Watch the music video for Grouplove’s “Welcome to Your Life.”
PROMPT CHOICES: 1) How is life both good and bad?  2) write about one of your favorite moments in life. (Aradhna)
G.    Watch the video KUROKO 
PROMPT: What sort of unseen labor does this video bring you to notice in your everyday life?  Does it bring a new perspective toward how you view the mechanisms incorporated in your life? (Grace H.)

Thursday, November 10 ~ Finish “The Sieve and the Sand” Note references to earlier motifs and allusions

II.          Due Monday, November 14 (Choose one)

A.     The origin of the phrase “ignorance is bliss” comes from a poem by Thomas Gray, “Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College”
Read the poem in which he claims that not only is ignorance bliss but that knowledge is misery.  In a response to this statement, Jennifer Kunst writes in Psychology Today,
that knowledge is awareness of misery, but does not exactly have to make one miserable as “the realities of life are more evident, we see miseries we never saw before but we also see many joys.” PROMPT:  What do you think about what these two authors believe about ignorance and happiness?  Do you agree with them? (Leni)
B.     Read attached quotations from Deb Caletti and Marshall McLuhan as well as the poems “Lost Generation” by Jonathan Reed.  Choose one of the “Potential Approaches to Prompt”(Ryan)
C.    Read the lyrics to  “Fifteen” by Taylor Swift
PROMPT CHOICES: Analytical – What message is Taylor Swift trying to send to high school girls?  What techniques/choices does she use to convey this message?  Creative – Write you own advice to people starting high school (this can be a poem/song or in paragraph form). (Grace A.)
D.    Read the blackout poem “What is Marriage” by Austin Kleon
PROMPT: How do you feel Montag would react to this poem?  How would Mildred react to it? (Aditi)
E.     Read “Dover Beach” by Matthew Arnold. PROMPT CHOICES:
1) In what way are Arnold and Montag’s views on society similar? (Jessica) 2) How is this poem reflective of Montag’s internal struggles as he begins to view his environment through a new perspective?  3) How does this poem describe the society in which Montag lives?  4) Do you think reading this poem aid Montag in making sense of his conflicting emotions and resolving his crisis of faith? (Sahgar)

Wednesday, November 16 ~ Read “Burning Bright” pages 113-137 Write down two questions, either for clarification or discussion.

Due Thursday, November 17 (choose one)
A.     “ Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.”  PROMPT: What are some beliefs that people in our society blindly follow and does this conformity have a negative or positive impact on personal growth and development? (Thomas)
B.     “The only people mad at you for telling the truth are those living a lie.” -Gaskin Jr. PROMPT: Do you agree with this statement?  How does Society reject the truth?  Do you think people in a society are living a lie? (Katryn)
C.    “Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why.” –Kurt Vonnegut PROMPT:  What image comes to mind when you think of this quotation.  Relate either a relevant specific moment you have experienced or create a fictional situation that describes your thoughts in detail. (Emily)
D.    “Kindness in words creates confidence.  Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.  Kindness in giving creates love.”  - Lao Tzu  PROMPT CHOICES: 1) Do you agree?  What is your definition of kindness and how does it influence you?  2 What exactly is kindness in thinking and how does it create profoundness? How and why is profoundness absent in the society of Fahrenheit 451? (Mina)
E.     Please see attached quotation by Mahatma Ghandi and the three prompt choices. (Arielle)
F.     Please see attached quotation from Stephen King and the corresponding writing prompts. (Kate)
G.    After reading attached quotations by Bradbury, Herbert, McCall Smith, Sagan, DeGrasse Tyson, and Moore, respond to the prompt. (Nathan)

Monday, November 21 ~ Finish reading Fahrenheit 451. Write down your favorite three motifs that the ending of the novel highlights with a brief comment for each about Bradbury’s intent.

Wednesday, November 23 Read the Afterward, Coda, and  Conversation with Ray Bradbury.  Write down which you find most interesting with a couple of sentences that explain your choice.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

B Block Assignments to Thanksgiving

B Block Sophomore Honors Literature and Composition
Assignments up to Thanksgiving

Students’ Writing Prompts – portfolio of three written responses

From each section choose one student journal prompt to respond to in 30-45 minutes of thoughtful writing. Please make sure you clearly. identify the letter of the prompt.

I.             Due Monday, November 7 (Choose one)

A.   In Fahrenheit 451 Montag is described as having worn a “mask” of happiness, without actually being in a state of true happiness.  In our world there are many cases where people too wear masks of happiness that hide contrary emotions deep down, which they often do not realize.  Overall do you think that it is beneficial for society to have people wear “masks” of happiness? (Kevin)
B.   “We understand how dangerous a mask can be.  We all become what we pretend to be.” – Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind  PROMPT: How did the mask of constant happiness change Montag and his society?  How does that compare to our society today? (Ryan)
C.   In Fahrenheit 451 the main character wears a mask of constant smiling.  This hides how he actually feels, because happiness is just his neutral face.  How do people exhibit this characteristic in our society and what are the effects? (Sam R.)
D.    “I want to hold onto this funny thing.  God, it’s gotten so big on me.  I don’t know what it is.  I’m so damned unhappy.  I’m so mad and I don’t know why.  I feel like I’m putting on weight. “ – Guy Montag to Mildred (4). PROMPT CHOICES: 1) Describe a time when you realized you felt upset without a clear reason.  What did you realize later about how you felt?  2) How does Mildred respond? What would you tell Montag if you were Mildred? 3) Montag is finally letting go of his mask.  How does Ray Bradbury build up to this development? (SeoHyun)
E.   Describe the citizen’s relationship with their government in Fahrenheit 451 and how it compares to our own.  What is our relationship with rules?  Why is it important to question these rules, and how is the book a warning for people in America today? (Susie)
F.    How do you think families bond in today’s society?  Do they still gather around the tv?  Do you think that as society is advancing technologically, it is also slowly pulling us apart, or is it succeeding in strenghthening our relationship with each other? (Catherine)
G.   What is the likelihood that our society could become similar or identical to that outlined in Fahrenheit 451?  What in the book/in our world suggests that our society is moving towards theirs, and what does not? (Lucas)

Thursday, November 10 ~ Finish “The Sieve and the Sand” Note references to earlier motifs and allusions

II.          Due Monday, November 14 (Choose one)

A.     In history class this year, we have learned of people with opposing viewpoints in terms of human nature. For example, Locke considered people to be naturally moral and fair, whereas Hobbes considered people to be selfish and cruel.  In your experience, what one word would you use to describe the human race as a whole? (Anju)
B.     Do you think that Ray Bradbury expresses a message about TV and entertainment technology in “The Hearth and the Salamander” that is similar to the message expressed by David Sedaris in his memoir “Tricked”?  How is Clarisse and her family similar to the Tomkey family?  How is Clarisse similar to the Tomkey family?  How is she different? (Isabella)
C.    “Read nature; nature is a friend to truth.”  PROMPT:  How does Bradbury use the imagery of nature to describe Clarisse?  How does Clarisse employ nature to open Montag’s mind to truth?  Do you have a special connection to the natural world? (Emie)
D.    In the beginning of Fahrenheit 451, Clarisse, upon meeting Montag, declares, “You laugh when I haven’t been funny and you answer right off.  You never stop to think what I’ve asked you …” This judgment of his character unsettles Montag, who cannot give a reason for his behavior. In society “being yourself” can be seen as a good or bad thing.  What are your thoughts on this oft-repeated phrase? (Megan)
E.     Those of us who took World History I last year might remember learning about the Buddhist religion.  The belief in Buddhism is that desire causes suffering, something that Siddhartha Gupta learned.  How does this Buddhist idea relate to Montag’s happiness in Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury? How does it relate to Mildred’s happiness?  Does Montag desire something else in life that is causing him to feel unhappy? (Rishi)
F.     “Why is it,” he said, one time, at the subway entrance, “I feel I’ve known you so many years?” “Because I like you,” she said, “and I don’t want anything from you.” (29) PROMPT: Have you ever been in those relationships where you haven’t known the other person very long, yet it feels like you have known them forever?  Why do you think this happens?  What qualities in a person allow you to instantly feel comfortable around them?  Do you think these quickly-formed relationships have the same stability as relationships formed over a long time together? (Maxim)
G.    What does fire symbolize in Fahrenheit 451? How do the different forms of fire represent the opposing philosophies of the novel’s society? (Rebecca)

Tuesday, November 15 ~ Read “Burning Bright” pages 113-137 Write down two questions, either for clarification or discussion.

Due Thursday, November 17 (choose one)
A.     Almost everything we do now is in preparation for the future.  We attend school to help us get a job. We get a job to supply our future family with necessities.  We raise our kids in a similar manner to prepare them for the same process.  Contrarily, we also do a lot of activities that revolve around the idea of living in the now, such as spending time with family and friends and going on a vacation.  In your perspective are the activities we dedicate the majority of our time now focused mainly on the future or now?  Do you believe this is a good balance? (Annie)
B.     Read “Lake of Innisfree” by William Butler Yeats  William Butler Yeats wrote this poem about an island, Innisfree, that is a special place for him.  Using his poem as inspiration, write about a place that is special to you using at least six examples of imagery. (Nick)
C.    Read The New York Times October 14, 2016 piece “Bob Dylan, More Than a Songwriter” about Bob Dylan being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature  PROMPT: What qualifies as literature and what about a piece of writing makes it literature? (Will)
D.    “Everybody is a genius.  But if judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. - Albert Einstein  PROMPT: What are the things about LHS that keep  students from reaching our full individual potential? (Yoojee)
E.     “I realize there is nothing more artistic than to love others” – Vincent Van Gogh PROMPT: Van Gogh describes love as artistic. What do you think he finds artistic about love?  Do you agree? Why or why not?  What do you think is Van Gogh’s intent for making this claim? (Daphne)
F.     Explain what the word “love” means to you. Have you ever faked loving someone or felt you were obligated to love? (Kirsten)
G.    The way we speak and act are often based on the assumptions others have of our personality.  How do your mannerisms change depending on whom you’re with and what people assume about you? (Sam P.)

Monday, November 21 ~ Finish reading Fahrenheit 451. Write down your favorite three motifs that the ending of the novel highlights with a brief comment for each about Bradbury’s intent.

Tuesday, November 22 Read the Afterward, Coda, and  Conversation with Ray Bradbury.  Write down which you find most interesting with a couple of sentences that explain your choice.