Monday, November 28, 2016

Final Essay for Fahrenheit 451

+++Extended Due Date - to Monday, December 12+++

Final Essay for Fahrenheit 451
Due Dates:
Detailed Outline – A Block – Thursday, December 1
                            B, F Blocks – Friday, December 2
In-class writing time – A, F Blocks Monday, December 5
                                 B Block – Tuesday, December 6
Final Essay Due Date – Thursday, December 8

Writing Objective – Compose a succinct, focused written analysis of 350-400 words demonstrating how your understanding of one motif reveals a key insight into a particular theme or character.

Writing Requirements – Consider how a motif that Bradbury highlights in the concluding chapter, “Burning Bright”, is particularly meaningful when juxtaposing it to its appearance in an earlier chapter.   Create a thoughtful title and a conclusion that underscores the importance of your discussion.

Writing Assessment Rubrics –    
o   A clear, focused thesis
o   Coherent text-based evidence that provides smooth transitions
o   Effective use of active voice
o   Precise use of language (positive expression, definitive word choices)
o   Demonstrating relationship between ideas rather than listing them (watch those ‘ands’)

Help I Received – Avoid consulting outside sources – this essay is demonstrating YOUR thinking about the text.  If you do consult a source you must cite it here:

Student/Teacher Comments –

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