Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Assignments for The Third Stage of Pip's Expectations

Tuesday, May 30 (A,B) Wednesday, May 31 (F)
Read Chapters XL, XLI, XLII, XLIII,  XLIV, and XLV (291-333)
Respond to the following:

XL  and XLI  What do you think Magwitch means when he says, "I ain't a-going to be low." (296) and  "I know very well that once since I come back - for half a minute -I've been low..." (303-304)?

XLII - List three links about Compeyson that Magwitch reveals.

XLIII- Drummle!  Identify a motif that underscores the ill-willed rivalry between Pip and Drummle.

XLIV -Choose a significant line that one of the characters says, then comment on what it indicates about him or her.

XLV - Wemmick proves to be a trusted advisor to Pip.  Identify and explain the purpose of 1) his written command and 2) his verbal advice.

Wednesday, May 31 (A) Thursday, June 1 (B,F)
Read XLVI, XLVII, XLVIII (Read XLIX in class)
Write down a key text question after finishing the chapters.

Thursday, June 1 (A) Friday, June 2 (B,F)
Read L, LI, and LII (Chapter LIII in class)
Write down a question you hope (greatly expect) the novel to resolve by its conclusion

Thursday, June 8
Finish Great Expectations Reading Quiz on Third Stage of Pip's Expectations

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Assignments for The Second Stage of Pip's Expectations

Wednesday, May 10 (A) Thursday, May 11 (B, F)
Read Great Expectations Chapters XX, XXI, XXII Identify 1) A Nickname 2) A comedic moment
3) A motif 4) A revelation 5) A character tag

Thursday May 11 (A) Friday, May 12 (B, F)
Read Great Expectations Chapters XXIII and XXIV

Monday, May 15
Read Great Expectations Chapters XXV and XXVI and complete The Residence Chart

Thursday, May 18
Read Great Expectations Chapters XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX In-class journal entry - Read Chapter XXX in class

Friday, May 19
April/May Monthly writing (B, F)

Monday, May 20
April/May Monthly writing - (A) Read Chapter XXX  (A,B,F)

Tuesday, May 23 (A, B) Wednesday, May 24 (F) - Read Chapter XXXVI in class
Read Great Expectations Chapters XXXII, XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV(231-255)  For each chapter jot down a key sentence to bring up for class identification and discussion

Wednesday, May 24 (A) Friday, May 26 (B,F)
Read Great Expectations Chapters XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX to The End of the Second Stage of Pip's Expectations. Reading Quiz

Thursday, May 24 (A) April/May monthly writing