Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Assignments for The Third Stage of Pip's Expectations

Tuesday, May 30 (A,B) Wednesday, May 31 (F)
Read Chapters XL, XLI, XLII, XLIII,  XLIV, and XLV (291-333)
Respond to the following:

XL  and XLI  What do you think Magwitch means when he says, "I ain't a-going to be low." (296) and  "I know very well that once since I come back - for half a minute -I've been low..." (303-304)?

XLII - List three links about Compeyson that Magwitch reveals.

XLIII- Drummle!  Identify a motif that underscores the ill-willed rivalry between Pip and Drummle.

XLIV -Choose a significant line that one of the characters says, then comment on what it indicates about him or her.

XLV - Wemmick proves to be a trusted advisor to Pip.  Identify and explain the purpose of 1) his written command and 2) his verbal advice.

Wednesday, May 31 (A) Thursday, June 1 (B,F)
Read XLVI, XLVII, XLVIII (Read XLIX in class)
Write down a key text question after finishing the chapters.

Thursday, June 1 (A) Friday, June 2 (B,F)
Read L, LI, and LII (Chapter LIII in class)
Write down a question you hope (greatly expect) the novel to resolve by its conclusion

Thursday, June 8
Finish Great Expectations Reading Quiz on Third Stage of Pip's Expectations

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