Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Final Project

Sophomore Final – This LHS Life
Presentation of your choice begins Thursday, June 15
All three components due Tuesday, June 20 10 AM

1)   After perusing The Sophomore Poetry Project, choose at least two poems that effectively convey voices that, in your view, well represent the class of 2019.  Discuss why they resonate with you, as well as how each writer uses the art of poetry to elevate the poem’s effect. Please find The Sophomore Poetry Project online at:


2)   Consider the literature that we have studied this year.  Choose one to create an accompanying work of art to promote the text for next year’s students.   Grounding your response in specific text that you will include as an addendum or within the work itself, produce a piece of artwork, music, or poem that will enrich students’ reading.

3)   Read over all of your monthly writings.  Write a focused paragraph that asserts one insight that reading them together at the end of your sophomore year provides for your perspective on sophomore year.

 Honors Literature and Composition II
Final Project Assessment Criteria

1)   Sophomore Poetry Project

o   Submitted on time
o   Proofread for spelling, mechanics and grammar
o   Expressed in active, positive voice that demonstrates connections between ideas rather than listing them

o   Convincingly details why poems resonate with you
o   Cites specific poetic elements for each poem

2)   Enriching a Text

o   Submitted on time

o   Statement of intent clearly demonstrates why the work has particular meaning for you

o   Produced work demonstrates effort and care in its execution

o   Connection to specific text effectively incorporated in product or clearly designated in attached commentary

3)   Monthly Writings

o   Submitted on time
o   Proofread for spelling, mechanics and grammar
o   Establishes an insightful focus
o   Expressed in active, positive voice

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Assignments for The Third Stage of Pip's Expectations

Tuesday, May 30 (A,B) Wednesday, May 31 (F)
Read Chapters XL, XLI, XLII, XLIII,  XLIV, and XLV (291-333)
Respond to the following:

XL  and XLI  What do you think Magwitch means when he says, "I ain't a-going to be low." (296) and  "I know very well that once since I come back - for half a minute -I've been low..." (303-304)?

XLII - List three links about Compeyson that Magwitch reveals.

XLIII- Drummle!  Identify a motif that underscores the ill-willed rivalry between Pip and Drummle.

XLIV -Choose a significant line that one of the characters says, then comment on what it indicates about him or her.

XLV - Wemmick proves to be a trusted advisor to Pip.  Identify and explain the purpose of 1) his written command and 2) his verbal advice.

Wednesday, May 31 (A) Thursday, June 1 (B,F)
Read XLVI, XLVII, XLVIII (Read XLIX in class)
Write down a key text question after finishing the chapters.

Thursday, June 1 (A) Friday, June 2 (B,F)
Read L, LI, and LII (Chapter LIII in class)
Write down a question you hope (greatly expect) the novel to resolve by its conclusion

Thursday, June 8
Finish Great Expectations Reading Quiz on Third Stage of Pip's Expectations

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Assignments for The Second Stage of Pip's Expectations

Wednesday, May 10 (A) Thursday, May 11 (B, F)
Read Great Expectations Chapters XX, XXI, XXII Identify 1) A Nickname 2) A comedic moment
3) A motif 4) A revelation 5) A character tag

Thursday May 11 (A) Friday, May 12 (B, F)
Read Great Expectations Chapters XXIII and XXIV

Monday, May 15
Read Great Expectations Chapters XXV and XXVI and complete The Residence Chart

Thursday, May 18
Read Great Expectations Chapters XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX In-class journal entry - Read Chapter XXX in class

Friday, May 19
April/May Monthly writing (B, F)

Monday, May 20
April/May Monthly writing - (A) Read Chapter XXX  (A,B,F)

Tuesday, May 23 (A, B) Wednesday, May 24 (F) - Read Chapter XXXVI in class
Read Great Expectations Chapters XXXII, XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV(231-255)  For each chapter jot down a key sentence to bring up for class identification and discussion

Wednesday, May 24 (A) Friday, May 26 (B,F)
Read Great Expectations Chapters XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX to The End of the Second Stage of Pip's Expectations. Reading Quiz

Thursday, May 24 (A) April/May monthly writing

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Great Expectations - The First Stage of Pip's Expectations REVISED DUE DATES

Monday, April 24
In-class - Journal entry - a childhood experience options

Tuesday, April 25 (A,B) Wednesday, April 26 (F)
Read Great Expectations Chapters I and II. Upon finishing Chapter 2,write a 3-5 sentence  reader's response incorporating at least two text excerpts.

Wednesday, April 26 (A) Thursday, April 27 (B,F)
Read Great Expectations Chapters III and IV. List at three examples from the following: motifs, comic misapprehensions, character tags, comedy, allusion, house as battery, battery as home

Thursday, April 27 (A) Friday, April 28 (B,F)
Read Great Expectations Chapters V and VI.  Write a text-based question to pose to the class.

Monday, May 1
Final Macbeth Project due

Tuesday, May 2 (A,B) Wednesday, May 3 (F)
Read Great Expectations Chapters VII, VIII, IX, and X
In-class journal entry

Great Expectations
Journal Entry Options through Chapter X

1)     At the end of Chapter IX, Dickens directly addresses the reader, saying “Pause, you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day."     Begin by paraphrase his statement, identifying the key motif, then recount a memorable day that formed the first link on of your own experience of being bound.

2)     One of the ways that Dickens links disparate story lines is to employ linking motifs.  Identify one linking motif, cite its appearance in two seemingly separate story lines, and comment on its significance.

Wednesday, May 3 (A) Thursday, May 4 (B, F)
Read Great Expectations Chapters XI, XII, XIII, XIV

Thursday, May 4 (A) Friday, May 5 (B, F)
Read Great Expectations Chapters XV and XVI
List at three examples from the following: motifs, comic misapprehensions, character tags, comedy, allusion, house as battery, battery as home

Tuesday, May 9 (A, B) Wednesday, May 10 (F)
Complete reading THE FIRST STAGE OF PIP'S EXPECTATIONS (Page 144) Quiz on identifying characters and literary elements.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Macbeth Act IV and Act V

Wednesday, April 5 (A) Thursday, April 6 (B, F)
Read Act IV Scenes ii and iii and respond to the following:

Act IV Scene ii:

1)  Why is Lady MacDuff upset with MacDuff?

2)  How do we know her tone with her son is more bantering than serious?

3)  In the short time we get to know the Macduff son, what endears him to us?  Why is it important that we respond to him in this way?

4)  Identify a specific line or two of text from either Lady MacDuff or her son that underscores Shakespeare's thematic intent.

Act IV scene iii

Before reading:  Macbeth has tried to lure Malcolm back to Scotland by various schemes that he has been able to see as traps.  If you were Malcolm how would you respond to Macduff who has come to England to convince you to return to Scotland for the purposes of overthrowing Macbeth?

How does Malcolm respond to Macduff?  What is the resolution of their conversations?

Complete the following passage from Gervinius's  "Shakespeare Commentaries" written in 1885: (First three are all the same word)
"Macduff is, by nature, what Macbeth once was, a mixture of mildness and force; he is more than Macbeth, because he is without any admixture of ______________.  When Malcolm accuses himself to Macduff of every imaginable  vice , not a shadow of _________________ to force himself into the usurper's place comes over Macduff.  So noble, so blameless, so mild, Macduff lacks the goad of sharp __________________ necessary to make him a victorious opponent of Macbeth: [Shakespeare], therefore by the horrible extermination of his family, drains him of the 'milk of human _____________________, and so fit him to be the conqueror of Macbeth."

Thursday, April 6 (A) Friday, April 7 (B,F)

Read Macbeth Act V scenes i and ii.  Annotate at least five symbols or motifs.

Monday, April 10
Read Macbeth ActV scenes iii, iv, and v and William Maxwell's "Nearing Ninety".  Write down 3-5 direct contrasts with Macbeth's thoughts on life in Act V scene iii lines 26-33 and Act V sce v lines 22-31
Nearing Ninety Essay

Thursday April 13

Proposal For Final Macbeth project

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Macbeth Act III Assignments

Monday, March 27
Read Act III - scenes i, ii, and iii.
For each scene write a discussion or clarifying text-specific question to bring to class.

Tuesday, March 28 (A, B) Wednesday, March 29 (F)
Read Act III scene iv.
Make a list of at least five comparisons and contrasts between the dagger and the ghost

Wednesday, March 29 (A) Thursday (B, F)
Outline of Dagger/Ghost paragraph
In-class Rough Draft

Thursday, March 30 (A) Friday, March 31(B, F)
Dagger/Ghost essay writing workshop

Monday, April 3
Dagger/Ghost essay due

Tuesday April 4 (A, B)  Wednesday, April 5 (F)
Read Act III scene vi.
Complete Macbeth Act III  "An Open Book Reading Guide"

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Macbeth  Act II  and Poetry Submission Assignments

Friday, March 3 (B, F)
Read Act II scene i and complete the double-sided reading guide. 

Read Act II scene ii
Write down :
1) At least three specific elements that make this scene suspenseful
2) At least five references to sleep. What do you make of them?
3) Three separate text examples that show Macbeth or Lady Macbeth on the spectrum of FEAR - COURAGE - RASHNESS

Tuesday, March 7 (A,B) Wednesday, March 9 (F)
Submit your poem to the poetry website:

(Make sure that you have had me proofread your final copy before submitting)

Wednesday, March 8 (A) Thursday, March 9 (B, F)
Construct an Argument Map to state and support your claim about whether or not Macbeth gains your sympathy.

Thursday, March 9 
In-class writing (Sympathy paragraph)

Tuesday, March 14 (A,B) Wednesday, March 15 (F)
Read Act II scene iii.  Include the following key words in either a specific  clarifying question or a text-based observation.
1.  The Porter  2.  The night   3. "In our house"  4. Macbeth's reaction  5.  "Help me hence, ho!"
6.  A motif  7. Malcolm and Donaldbain

Wednesday, March 15 (A) Thursday, March 16 (B,F)
Acts I and II  50 point test (Vocabulary, Identification, Literary elements)

Thursday, March 16  (A) Friday, March 17 (B, F)
Monthly Writing