Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Assignments to February Vacation

Thursday, February 2
Hard copy of revised poem for  with annotated rubrics

Thursday, February 2 (A) Friday, February 3 (B,F)
January Monthly Writing

Monday, February 6
Citing your sources:
Provide 3-5 historical facts about King James I of England
Provide 3-5 more personal aspects of the man (his ideas, interests, and personality) that make him an interesting figure.

Put yourself in Shakespeare’s place in 1606.  Based upon the experiences and proclivities of this King less than two years, identify at least three elements you might incorporate into your play that would please him.

Tuesday, February 7 (A,B) Wednesday, February 8 (F)
Consulting ”Characters in the Play” (page 3) complete the guided notes “Macbeth Characters in the Play”

Wednesday, February 8 (A) Thursday February 9 (B,F)
From either your own experience, literature, history, or contemporary sources, provide a modern-day example of equivocation.  Write a brief analysis that points out its misleading language designed to hide rather than to illuminate the truth,  and your position of its ethical merits or shortcomings.

Wednesday, February 15 (A) Thursday, February 16 (B,F)
Read Macbeth Act 1 up to scene iv) (line 175 page 25)
Provide at least three specific text examples for Macbeth and three for Banquo that indicate how their language reveals their position on the scale of FEAR - COURAGE – RASHNESS

Thursday, February 16 (A) Friday, February 17 (B,F)
Read Act I to scene vi.
Write a response to Lady Macbeth’s words that will “Shake [her] fell purpose” by being the voice of her better nature, “The Compunctious Visitings of Nature”. Refute at least three of her language choices by showing their relation to particular motifs or to where they lie on the scale of FEAR –COURAGE –RASHNESS. Include, in your response the consequences you believe that her language will engender.

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