Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Assignments for Mondays,- January 23 and 30

All this week take time in 30-45 minute increments to work on:

For Monday January 23
1)  memorizing and practicing your chosen poem
2) writing out by hand your lines
3) providing a 300-400 word written response about what you appreciate about the poem -  both its literary elements, what it's about, and why it connects with and transforms your perspective.

For Monday, January 30
Choose a poem to revise from drafts of the following types (Examples provided for each in packets):

1) Fake apology poem
2) Object Poem
3) A poem about standing up (for something or for someone who may not have a voice)
4) A poem about a first impression

Examples for the following given on last class this week:
1) Ambivalence about a place
2) An activity
3) Your heritage

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